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Election 2016

Richard Lerch
Published on June 10, 2016

Richard Lerch - Election 2016

Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others.

– Winston Churchill

As the beginning of the summer season is upon us and with the anticipation of spending more time relaxing and doing things we enjoy, it may be a good time to evaluate where we are and to discuss where we may go as we approach Election 2016.

Over the past few months, we have had conversations with several clients who are concerned about the outcome of the coming presidential election. Some of the questions we have heard are: “I’m a little worried about the election, what do you think?”, “What do you think will happen if ______ wins the election?” or “Do you think the economy can withstand a _______ presidency?”

Given that PMA is an investment advisory firm, not a political advisory firm, it is fair to assume that what clients are really concerned about is what, if any, impact the election will have on the economy, the financial markets and, therefore, their portfolios. That is what this edition of Partner Talk will discuss.

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